

但一些該買的還是要買,這次買的是 最近流行產品省荷包>Brevi Bath and Changing Unit Practico

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Brevi Bath and Changing Unit Practico 設計式樣: Red Magic Glasses · 2018

This practical bath and changing unit is ready for action in no time at all and by using only one hand for setting it up. When folded it doesn't take away much space and when set up it can be moved everywh搶先看超人氣產品ere you like thanks to its four flexible casters.

When it is time to change your little one's nappies the Brevi Practico is on hand in less than no time. The soft changing pad features high side edges and can be wiped clean easily. It is available in various designs - simply choose the one you like best. When it is about time for a relaxing bath you can simply fold the changing mat with only one hand while the other one is free for your little one. In order to do so easily, the Practico features automatic security hooks with which you can easily open and close the changing mat. The anatomically shaped bathtub ensures a particularly comfortable lying and sitting position. The lying position is suitable for babies right from birth up to approx. 6 months of age. Later on, your child can sit on the other side and splash happily while enjoying his bath.

The Brevi Practico features four practical storage compartments directly beside the bathtub and changing pad - this way, you can keep shampoo, toys or baby cream easy to reach while bathing your little one. A shower accessory is perfect for washing your little one's hair and getting rid of all the foam in a relaxed way. Underneath the bathtub you can find enough space for storing all the items needed for changing and bathing your baby.

When the bathing session is over you can easily drain the water by using the built-in draining pipe. Draining the bathtub has never been easier: Simply place the Brevi Practico right over your toilet and then drain the water.

The foldable bath and changing unit can be secured with two lockable casters.


  • Age suitability: from birth up to approx. 12 months (up to 11 kg)

  • Available in various designs

  • Including draining pipe, bathtub, storage compartments, changing pad

  • 4 flexible casters, 2 of them are lockable

  • Bathtub: anatomically shaped with sitting and lying position

  • Changing pad: high side edges, washable

  • Automatic security hook for opening and closing the changing pad easily with one hand

  • Size: unfolded H 104 x W 82 x D 56 cm, folded 96 x 29 cm

  • Weight: 9 kg

  • Made in Italy




Brevi Bath and Changing Unit Practico





找便宜網路熱賣商品7浪汪寶寶遭眼鏡蛇偷襲 狗媽奮力狂戰顯母愛


印度奧里薩邦(Odisha)巴德拉克鎮(Bhadrak)的一名屋主Bijay Parida17日晚間時,聽到借住在自家樓下的流浪犬媽媽不停吠叫,接著又聽到蛇隻聲音,認為情況不對,前往查看,結果竟發現狗媽媽正在對抗一隻龐大的眼鏡蛇,且地上已經有兩隻狗寶寶死去,狗媽媽為了保護剩下的五隻狗寶寶,不顧危險,不斷吠叫嚇阻眼鏡蛇,甚至朝著眼鏡蛇咬去,而眼鏡蛇也伺機攻擊狗媽媽跟狗寶寶,場面相當驚險。

Bijay Parida及鄰居見狀,立刻通報當地捕蛇人員Mirza Arif到場,Mirza Arif利用捕蛇器具阻擋眼鏡蛇的攻擊,但一度激怒眼鏡蛇,將狗媽媽跟狗寶寶們逼到角落,所幸最後捕蛇人員迅速將蛇捉住,擋住眼鏡蛇的攻擊,成功將眼鏡蛇抓捕起來。雖然順利救下狗媽媽,但這場狗蛇大戰中還是有四隻狗寶寶遭咬傷致死,而狗媽媽也表現出難過的模樣,讓居民們見證動物母愛的偉大。


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